شبكة مياه و شبكة صرف صحي بيت لحم

  • Category
    شبكات المياه و الصرف الصحي
  • Client
    قطاع خاص
  • Supervisor
    مشروع بيت لحم 2000
  • Funded By
    مشروع بيت لحم 2000
  • Region
  • From - To
    2000-01-01 00:00:00 - 2002-01-01 00:00:00
  • Value

Bethlehem 2000 infrastructure project. Was one of the supreme projects in revolutionary stage at west bank. Macc has been awarded that project in the context of its reputations for the high quality infra­structure works for years before

The works took place at Baitlahem, Bait Sahoor, Bait Jala, Al-Doha, Andal-Khadir , and include

  • Suppling and laying 26,000 m of different diameters
  • M2 asphalt pavement and all needed accessories
  • 5000 m3 of water networks
  • All rehabilitation works for ruined pavements, side­walks, and infrastructure facilities
  • Supplying and installation of thorough fare side walks curbstones
  • Testing and quality assurance for asphalt pavements, concrete pavements and piping.