أعمال مدنية بمحطة معالجة غزة المركزية محطة الشيخ عجلين العقد 2

  • Category
    محطات المعالجة
  • Client
    مصلحة مياه بلديات الساحل
  • Supervisor
    مجموعة دورش
  • Funded By
    بنك الائتمان لإعادة التنمية KfW
  • Region
    Gaza City
  • From - To
    2010-09-01 00:00:00 - 2012-09-01 00:00:00
  • Value

Central Gaza Wastewater Treatment Plant, known a s Sheikh Ejleen WWTP, is to be upgraded for a capacity of 90,000 m3/day. The works are implemented at the site of the existing Waste Water Treatment Plant. New process units will be added in parallel with the existing units so that the existing treatment plant can continue to be operated while the new works are under construction. On completion, the flows will be diverted to the new works and the ex­isting process units will be partly taken out of operation. By the same mechanism, a new pump station will be constructed at the same site, on account of the overloaded flow the existing pump station in Gaza city encounters. On completion, the flows will be diverted to the new pump station and the existing pump station will be partly taken out of operation

Due to the embargo Israel is imposing on Gaza Strip, this upgrading project was divided into two contracts: contract one is for material sup­plying, and contract two is devoted for the construction stage of new process units. Owning to the high qualifications and experiences it has, MACC as it always merits, has been awarded both contracts

The works of Contract 2: Construction works, shall include civil and building construction, testing and commissioning of the facilities, in­cluding installation, erection and site testing of equipment & materials supplied under Contract 1

Some of the components to be constructed are

1-New inlet chamber, screens, grit removal channels, and distribution chamber

2-Completion of Anaerobic Pond No. 3

3-New Trickling Filter Pumping Station

4-Four New Trickling Filters

5-Completion of Settling Channel No. 2

6-Two New Sludge Holding Ponds

7-New Sludge Drying Beds at the Existing Waste Water T eatment Plant

8-New Sludge Drying Beds at Buriej Waste Water Treatm nt Plant Site

9-New piping works between the existing and new treatm nt units including Valve Chambers

10-By-Pass at the Effluent Pumping Station to allow a dir ct discharge to the sea

11-Upgrading the Existing Power Supply

12-Pump Station wet/dry substructure, including screen c amber

13-Surge protection

14-Pump Station superstructure and switchgear room

15-Standby Generator Building and Fuel Tank

16-lnlet manhole

17-Diversion Sewer

18-Connection to existing pressure pipeline

19-Service Building