Improve the Functionality Of damaged Water and Wastewater Networks
Categoryشبكات المياه و الصرف الصحي
Clientمصلحة مياه بلديات الساحل
Supervisorمصلحة مياه بلديات الساحل
Funded Byالاتحاد الأوروبي
From - To2015-10-04 00:00:00 - 2017-01-05 00:00:00
Supply and installation of about 220.5 LM 1250 mm gravity reinforced concrete pipes, 2,979 LM Gravity UPVC Sewer pipes SN8 of different diameter (400mm, 200mm and 160mm), 2,362.5 LM UPVC pipes 110mm, and 6,000 LM M.D.P.E with all needed fittings, valves and manholes.