توسعة محطة تحلية المنطقة الوسطى - البصة

  • Category
    محطات تحلية مياه البحر
  • Client
    سلطة المياه الفلسطينية
  • Supervisor
  • Funded By
    الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية
  • Region
    Middle Area
  • From - To
    2016-12-31 00:00:00 - 2019-01-31 00:00:00
  • Value

Gaza The Middle Area Desalination Plant Expansion project provides a 3400 m3/d
desalination plant expansion to an existing desalination facility. Work includes
new seawater intake beach well pumps, desalination plant, brine outfall, and
desalinated drinking water conveyance to a blending tank for distribution to the
Gaza area.
A. Marine Works
B. Pipelines & Electrical
C. Desalination Plant Site – Process Equipment and Facilities
• 100 m3 concrete Raw Water Tank
• 220 m3 concrete Backwash Tank
• 250 m3 concrete Brine Tank
• Low Pressure Feed Pumps
• Pretreatment System with filter backwash system
• 1st Pass Reverse Osmosis System with cartridge filters, high pressure
• RO feed pumps, RO units, energy recovery system and booster pumps
• 2nd Pass Reverse Osmosis System with break tank, RO feed pumps and RO unit
• Clean-in- place (CIP) System for 1st and 2nd Pass RO Systems
• RO Flushing System for 1st Pass RO
• Calcite Contactors
• Disinfection
• Plant Chemical Storage and Feed Systems
• Finished Water Pump Station to blending tank
• Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) for the new desalination plant