توريد وتركيب مواد و معدات لمحطة معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي شمال غزة

  • Category
    محطات المعالجة
  • Client
    سلطة المياه الفلسطينية
  • Supervisor
    ائتلاف معالم و انتيا
  • Funded By
    البنك الدولي و الوكالة الفرنسية للتنمية
  • Region
    North Gaza
  • From - To
    2010-10-01 00:00:00 - 2014-09-01 00:00:00
  • Value

For many decades ago, most of North Gaza dwellings, households, and communities were in horrible sanita­tion problems exacerbation, that ends recently to the March 2007 collapse of Bait Lahiya lakes of wastewater, with six people were killed, 24 were injured, and 2,000 people were displaced

Thus, an inescapable & immediate solution with a long-run perspective became indispensable to alleviate some of the environmental & health threats. Donors did not need much persuasion and pledged the grant in due course, and funding from the World Bank has been announced

Hence, an emergency project entitled "North Gaza Emergency Sewage Treatment" (NGEST) has been unveiled in two parts: A & B. Part A: was for the infiltration basins and has been completed last year

Now it is the time allotted for part B: "Supply and Installation of Plant and Equipment of North Gaza Wastewa­ter Treatment Plant", to be in vicinity to the infiltration basins in the purpose of termination of the cluttered disposal of wastewater that ends in massive environmental & health problems

According to CMWU, the success of the basins is dependent upon the successful completion of Part B "The Treatment Plant", and without the plant, the Part A basins would eventually overfill, and possibly even col­lapse

On May 2th, 2010, and among all rejected offers, the revealing of NGEST: Part B awarding to MACC, JV with Stulz-Planaqua, was a factual evidence to experience, confidence, and reputation the company can be proud of. Thence, MACC is striving not only to keep but to increase the level of reliability, and professionalism of services it provides

The avalanche of media outlets that by this award, MACC become the 900-pounds gorilla local contracting. companies in Gaza Strip

North Gaza Wastewater treatment plant will be of 35,000 m3/day capacity, and will serve about 350,000 Population by the year of project completion 2012, and by next fifteen years, i.e. 2025 It will be of 65,700 m3/day capacity. The plant will include preliminary treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment, and tertiary treatment

The preliminary treatment comprises Screening, grit and grease removal primary clarification an per aeration.